Frequently Asked Questions


What is Daisy?

Daisy is a smartphone app for pet owners that gives them AI-powered tools to raise a happier, healthier pets while saving hundreds of dollars each year.

How does Daisy work?

The Daisy app uses multiple artificial intelligence (AI) technologies including image classification, object detection, and generative AI. All of these features work together to give you a one-stop platform to help you raise a happier, healthier pet with a personalized, data-driven approach to pet care. 🐕💕

How does Daisy get smarter?

🤖 Great question! Daisy utilizes advanced machine learning algorithms that get more intelligent with every interaction. Each time a user logs a meal, records a health detail about their pet, or uploads a poop image, the system learns more about the pet’s health patterns. This constant learning enables Daisy to provide increasingly accurate and personalized recommendations over time. It's a bit like a good detective, piecing together clues to give you the best possible advice! 🕵️‍♀️

What can Daisy detect in pet poo?

Currently, Daisy can detect variations in color and consistency, as well as a variety of other signals including blood, mucous, foliage, foreign objects and zoonotic parasites. Long-term, Daisy will be able to detect anything in your dog’s poop that could help improve their digestive health.

How can I download Daisy?

Daisy is nearly ready for early access. Until then, please download our previous app, Daisy, on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store to see our AI in action. For those residing in other countries, the Daisy app will be available for download in the near future.

I'm uncertain about the reliability of AI. How can I trust it?

🐾 We totally understand! Technology is evolving, and with that, it's okay to have some reservations. But despite the headlines (yes, ChatGPT can do math), AI is starting to exceed expectations in a number of surprising categories, pet care included. Daisy’s AI system has been designed and tested extensively with our team that includes experienced data scientists and a veterinarian. Our systems constantly learn and improve from each interaction, ensuring the best advice for your furry friend.👍 Remember, our aim is to complement your pet’s wellness plan, not replace traditional veterinary care.

How can an AI application match the expertise of a professional vet?

💯 Agreed! AI technology can't replace the personal touch and expertise of a vet. Daisy is meant to supplement professional advice, providing you with 24/7 access to personalized pet wellness tips and insights.

Do AI tools for pet care cost a lot?

💰 Rest easy! Daisy’s goal is affordable, accessible pet wellness technology. Our app starts free and offers a low monthly subscription model that provides significant peace of mind and enhanced pet health. We’re still creating our pricing plans but we’ll be offering discounted plans to our first customers when we launch our early-access version of our membership plans.

I'm not tech-savvy, how can AI technology benefit my pet’s health and wellbeing?

🤓 No worries! With Daisy, you don't have to be a tech genius. Our user-friendly smartphone app provides personalized insights into your pet's health, which can be a game-changer for their overall wellness.

Is learning to use an AI tool for pet care going to be time-consuming?

⌚️ We understand time is of essence! Daisy is designed for ease of use, and with just a few minutes each day, you'll gain health insights that can greatly benefit your pet's wellness journey.

I'm content with my current pet care methods. Why should I consider an AI tool?

🙌 That's fantastic! Daisy is here to enhance, not replace your current methods. You already know a ton about your pet, but think of us as an extra resource, your personal team of virtual experts supporting your efforts anytime night or day, 365 days per year.

Will the use of AI technology dehumanize the care my pet receives?

💕 We understand and respect your concern. Our AI's goal is to offer personalized care based on your pet's unique needs, giving you a tailored approach to pet wellness that complements the love and care you already provide. Recent research has shown that AI is proving to be extremely helpful and empathetic which is the complete opposite of what some may expect.

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